I am 43 years old, I spent my teenage Winnipeg summers slathered in baby oil baking in the sun trying to achieve the “perfect” tan. My skin is paying for it now.
Sun exposure is one of the leading causes of skin aging. Taking the form of darker pigmentation spots. These pigmented spots are disturbances in the skin colour. The most common pigmentation concerns are age spots or sun damage.
The GentleMax Pro photofacial targets sun damage, age spots and freckles by pulsing light based energy into the unwanted pigment. This causes the temperature of the unwanted pigment to rise which helps to break up the pigment.
A photofacial treatment takes about 15-30 minutes, depending on the size of the targeted areas. There isn’t any downtime with this treatment. However the broken melanin will rise to the surface of the skin. Giving the surface of the skin a coffee grind or peppering look. The shattered melanin particles are eliminated by your body’s own “clean up” system that absorbs the fragmented pigmented. This peppering can be covered easily with foundation.
Post treatment, clients can expect a mild sun-burn sensation, possibly accompanied by some minor swelling. This usually lasts 2-24 hours, and can be soothed with ice packs. As the treatments progress, the pigmented spots will start to fade. It is very important to avoid sun exposure for one work after treatments to reduce the chance of sunburn or darkening or lightening of the skin. Use gentle cleansers and apply SPF to the treated area.
Results can keep improving overtime, as new collagen growth will stimulate more healthy layers of skin. Results are long-lasting and follow-up treatments can help maintain them even longer.
A GentleMax Pro photofacial treats: Sun Damage, Brown Spots and Age spots.
Common targeted areas are: the face, chest, back of the hands and top of the shoulders and back.

pre and post treatment
Call now to book your photofacial. Mention this BLOG post and receive 25% off your first treatment, only at Self Aesthetics.